Call for CRRF Lifetime Member Nominations

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In 2013, the CRRF/FCRR board of directors created a Lifetime Membership policy to recognize persons who have demonstrated an outstanding career of contributions to the betterment of rural Canada. The CRRF/FCRR board of directors is currently seeking nominations for Lifetime Members.
Nominees may be a current CRRF/FCRR member, former CRRF/FCRR member, or has been closely associated with advancing the goals, objectives and activities of CRRF/FCRR. The achievements demonstrated by nominees may include, but are not restricted to the following:
  • long term involvement with rural development in Canada;
  • exceptional commitment to CRRF/FCRR through service as a board member;
  • volunteer, or active supporter of CRRF/FCRR and its objectives;
  • demonstrated achievements and recognition by peers in rural development;
  • outstanding contribution to the development and/or growth of rural development research, policy, and practice in Canada or internationally.
Nominations need to include a brief description of the contributions of the nominee and be supported by at least two current members in good standing of CRRF/FCRR. Background information on the current CRRF/FCRR lifetime members and their contributions to rural Canada can be found here – Nominations can be submitted in confidence to Valencia Gaspard ( no later than August 31, 2017.
Categories: News

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