Ways to Become Involved with CRRF/FCRR
There are many ways for you to be actively involved with the Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation/Fondation canadienne pour la revitalisation rurale (CRRF/FCRR). As a national nonprofit foundation, we rely completely on volunteers to reach our mandate and delivery activities. There are lots of ways to become involved. Some activities take as little as a few minutes to complete. The list below outlines a number of potential ways you can become involved with the Foundation to assist us in delivering our mandate. We would welcome your involvement. If you have any questions drop an email to crrf-fcrr@live.com.
Less than 15 minutes …
- Sign up to receive the CRRF/FCRR newsletter – You can also encourage others to sign up for the e-newsletter as well.
- Join CRRF/FCRR on one of our social media platforms – Facebook, LinkedIn, and/or Twitter. Once you have joined us be sure to share ideas, upcoming events, and information people across the country may be interested in.
- Contribute an idea of an interesting rural or regional development story or research initiative for inclusion in our e-newsletter. The story may be of a recent success, a new activity, a controversial decision, … the possibilities are endless!
- Invite friends, colleagues, or family to join one of CRRF/FCRR’s social media platforms.
- Provide comments/feedback on how the CRRF/FCRR website could be improved. We are always looking for suggestions of how to improve the website. Comments can be sent to crrf-fcrr@live.com.
- Post interesting information to the CRRF/FCRR Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter accounts.
- Sign up as a member of CRRF/FCRR – crrf.ca/membership/. Membership is inexpensive and fees collected support the work of the Foundation.
- Tell us about an upcoming rural or regional development event, workshop, webinar. Send information to crrf-fcrr@live.com for inclusion on the website, social media, and e-newsletters.
- Write a brief story for the CRRF/FCRR e-newsletter (100-200 words). All topics are welcomed – your community, a research project, a new development, an event, etc. Tell us about what is going on in your community or organization.
If You Have More Time …
- Join the board of directors. New board members are elected each fall during our Annual General Meeting. The call for nominations takes place approximately two months before the AGM. Watch our website, e-newsletters, and social media platforms for the next call.
- Join one of our committees to help in delivering our programs and activities. We have four key committees:
- Communications: The Communications Committee has a mandate to circulate information about the Foundation, the Foundation’s activities, upcoming events, and news of interest to rural Canadians. The Committee maintains the website, social media accounts (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter), and generates the e-newsletters. If you are interested in joining this committee please email Ryan Gibson (gibsonr@uoguelph.ca).
- Conference Planning: The Committee is responsible for planning and implementing the annual fall conference. The Committee is composed of individuals from the host community and CRRF/FCRR. If you are interested in joining this committee please email the Foundation (crrf-fcrr@live.com).
- Membership: The Membership Committee is responsible for identifying and encouraging new members. The Committee also takes a key role in welcoming new members to the Foundation.
- Partnerships: The Partnerships Committee is committed to drawing attention to identified rural issues, promoting evidence-based rural policy alternatives, and responding to major initiatives (e.g., State of Rural Canada). This committee collaborates and develops partnerships to further our efforts related to rural policy as well as other efforts contributing to the revitalization and sustainability of rural Canada.
- Consider co-hosting a CRRF/FCRR fall conference. The annual event brings together community leaders, practitioners, government representatives, students, researchers, and business to discuss key rural issues. The conference rotates across Canada.
- Attend the next CRRF/FCRR fall conference. Check our back on our website for official details when they roll in!
- In addition to attending the conference consider sharing information on your community or organization at the event. Each year the conference seeks presentations from everyone on topics such as rural issues, what is working, what is not working, innovative solutions.