2021 Call of Nominations

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This is a call for nominations of members for the election of the Board of Directors of the Canadian Revitalization Foundation (CRRF). The Board is normally comprised of ten (10) elected board members. There are currently five board positions open for election, each with a two-year term. CRRF seeks to be as inclusive and representative as possible of Canadians’ diversity. CRRF seeks to include diversity in race, ethnicity, gender, sexual identity, ability levels, language, and regions. Emphasis is being placed in this recruitment process on persons who bring lived experience as a racial, ethnic, and/or minority perspectives from the North, francophone communities, and/or New Brunswick.

The election for board members will take place during the Virtual Annual Conference & Annual General Meeting (AGM) of CRRF September 29, 2021 (time TBD). To be eligible for election to the Board, nominees must be members in good standing with CRRF. This includes having paid-up membership for the current year prior to the 2021 AGM. Nominees do not need to be present online at the Conference, but we hope they may be able to participate online for the AGM. An advantage of being present is the opportunity to provide a brief introduction at the AGM.

Information on CRRF membership, current activities, our Strategic Plan (2015-2020) (2021-2025 under formation), our Constitution, recent conferences, research workshops, and the current board composition can be found at www.crrf.ca. If you would like further information or would like to let your name stand for election, please contact Kathleen Kevany, President, kkevany@dal.ca, as the Chair of the CRRF Nominations and Inclusion Committee. We ask all members to consider this role, to nominate others and members are encouraged to self-nominate. We would highly encourage peer nominations of members who could provide a diverse voice for rural and remote communities. The Nomination Committee also will be actively soliciting potential board members. We also remain open to taking nominations from the floor at the AGM. We ask for nominations to be submitted by: September 20, 2021.

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