Call for Papers – Sunbelt Conference of the INSNA
The Sunbelt XXXV organising committee is soliciting abstracts for paper presentations at the upcoming 2015 conference 23 – 28 June in Brighton, UK. Submission opens on 28 Nov 2014 and closes on 31 March 2015 at 17:00 GMT.
We invite abstract submissions for posters (90 minute poster session) and oral presentations (20 minute talk) on topics relevant to social network analysis, including theory, methods, and applications of social network analysis. Please limit your abstracts to 500 words. If an abstract is being submitted as part of an organised session, please select the appropriate organised session name in the session field of the submission form.
Paper and poster presentations will begin on Wednesday (24 June) and end on Sunday (28 June). Presenting authors of accepted submissions must be INSNA members and register for and present their work at the meeting. This stipulation applies to both oral and poster presentations. Each person may present only one paper at the conference.
Further details regarding the conference can be found at