Call for Papers: C2Uexpo 2017
C2Uexpo 2017 will celebrate and showcase community-campus partnerships – local, national and global – which advance social, health, environmental, educational and collective strategies supporting transformation for the common good.
We invite proposals that:
- Showcase innovative models, experiences and best practices of community-campus programs.
- Provide critical examinations of how partnerships and research initiatives contribute to, challenge, and create capacity for advancing the common good.
- Bring together community members and post-secondary faculty, staff and/or students in the development and delivery of the program.
We invite proposals of all kinds from academic and non-academic communities in any of the following formats: oral presentations, poster presentations, roundtable discussions, skill building workshop, creative works and performances. Preference will be given to joint proposals submitted by teams with academic and non-academic partners.
All submissions must include a proposal and abstract. The proposal should contain between 400 – 500 words and should provide a concise statement of the topic, issue, program or project to be discussed (the “what?”) and a summary of the major activities, findings, conclusions (the “so what?”) and implications for the future (the “now what?”). The abstract should be no more than 50-words. Please note, this abstract may be used in the program, which will be made publicly available. All proposals should be submitted no later than midnight Pacific Standard Time on Sunday, November 13th, 2016. For more information on the event or the call for papers visit