2012 Conference
The 2012 conference, Creating Rural Connections: Regional Realities and Approaches, was held in Olds, Alberta from October 11-13. The conference was co-hosted with the Alberta Rural Development Network.
Agenda and Materials
Keynote Speakers
Rural Development in a Changing Canada: What the Hell is Going On? (Rob Greenwood)
Rural Regional Success (Dave Ivan)
Regional Realities and Approaches: Lessons from Downunder (Peter Kenyon)
Weaving Regional Networks: Case Studies and Lessons from the Field (June Holley)
Moving the Region Forward Based on Assets (Cornelia Butler Flora)
Ontario Source Protection Planning: An Analysis of Theory, Policy and Practice (Sarah Minnes)
Wood Biomass Energy Opportunities for Rural Communities — Camrose County Bioenergy Project Example (Toso Bozic)
Philanthropy as a Vehicle for Regional Development: Exploring Community Foundations in Atlantic Canada (Ryan Gibson)
Saving Rural Alberta by Unleashing Local Capital (Dan Ohler)